What is IRS Form 8822?

IRS Form 8822

Recently moved into your new home? There are a lot of things that you need to do after shifting from one place to another. Updating the address in all documents is one of the few first things. This is something that you cannot choose to do later because missing any important correspondence is the last thing you would want. Changing address in your bank or on the telephone bill is not a daunting task to do but how to notify the IRS about it?

So, the answer is, there is a form that you can fill out whenever you want to update your mailing address. IRS Form 8822 helps you to change your address on which you want to receive the refund checks, notices or any other documents.

What is IRS Form 8822?

There can be some cases in which the IRS needs your personal details like name, SSN as well as the mailing address. Generally, the address is used to send any notices or your refund checks. When you move from one place to another you will also need to inform the IRS about it. This way you do not miss any of your important documents. If you do not notify the IRS then they will keep sending all the tax-related documents to your last known address. It is the one you have used on the most recent tax return. The process of updating your address can take up to six weeks. So it is always a good idea to initiate the process as soon as you shift.

If you change your address during the time your tax return is being processed then you will also have to inform the post office about it. For security reasons, some post offices avoid sending payment checks to a completely new address. If you are expecting a refund check from the IRS then you should notify the post office about it.

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How to File?

This IRS form requires only a few basic details about the taxpayer like:

  • Type of tax return
  • Previous mailing address and
  • New mailing address.

Are you married and filing your returns jointly with your spouse? If yes then the same form can be used to change the address of your spouse as well.

What If Your New Address is Non-traditional?
Now one obvious question is: What to do if you want to use a post office box, foreign address or want a thor-part to receive all your tax-related correspondence?

For such cases, the IRS has an additional set of rules.

  • You are allowed to use a p.o. box as your mailing address only if the postal service does not offer a mail delivery option for your home’s street address.
  • If you want to use a foreign address then mention it on the form in the same format used in that country.
  • When you have an attorney or someone else to whom you want all the correspondence delivered, you should mention ‘c/o’ before the person’s name and mailing address.

Where to Mail This Form?

There is no option for e-filing this form. So you have to fill out this form on paper and send it to the IRS. The address to which you have to send this form depends on your state or location. There are different mailing addresses listed on the form itself.

What is IRS Form 8822-B?

When you need to change your home address with the IRS, you fill out Form 8822 but what if you are self-employed and want to change the mailing address of your business? In such a scenario, you will have to use IRS Form 8822-B.


If you are someone who does not file an annual tax return then you do not have to fill out any form to notify the IRS about your new address. But if you are a taxpayer who is about to file a tax return soon then you can just mention your new mailing address directly on the tax return. This way you will not have to use the IRS Form 8822.

If you are someone who files the tax returns electronically then there is a chance that your new tax return will automatically take the address mentioned on the previous one. So make sure to change the address before filing the return. You can also write a letter to the IRS to notify them about the address change. This is an easier way to get your mailing address updated.

Note: All these alternative methods of notifying the IRS will take longer. So it is recommended to do this using IRS Form 8822.

Is It Possible to Notify the IRS Online?

Yes, you can notify the IRS about an address change electronically but only under certain circumstances. If you were expecting your refund check but it was returned to the IRS then you can change your address online. For this, you will have to provide certain information including the refund amount so that the IRS can make sure it is actually you raising the request.

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Wrapping Up!

After moving to a new place what are the few first things you do? Updating your address everywhere is surely one of them. If you have been wondering how to update your address with the IRS then here is the answer. All you have to do is, fill out the IRS Form 8822. If you are managing all your tax-related tasks on your own then sometimes it can be a little bit overwhelming and confusing. It is also common to have a few questions about the form or the process. Here we have explained all the important aspects of this form and answer most of the possible questions.

Hopefully, after reading this you have no more doubts related to IRS Form 8822 in your mind. If you face any issues while filling out this form then you can visit Accounts Confidant and take assistance from our team of tax experts. They will help you with all your queries related to this. Just call on +1-866-301-2307 and you will have an expert working with you.

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